Rapture, is this word found in the bible? Why do Christians all around the world speak about and believe in the
rapture. Also, when does the rapture take place? Before, during or at the end of the great tribulation.
The mysterious event known as the Rapture is most clearly represented in 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18, this is the event where
Christians who sleep in Christ(bodies in the grave with their spirit and soul in heaven with Jesus and God) ,and Christians
who are alive at His coming will receive their immortal bodies. This is where God will pull out His saints from the earth
before his wrath is poured out as read in the book of Revelation. Remember God never punishes the righteous with the
wicked. For Noah and his family were warned and saved from the flood. Lot and his family was warned and saved
from the destruction of Sodom and Gomorah. Throughout the bible you will see that God's people always knew about His
judgement before it fell and were saved from it! The Holy Spirit in the believer is the only thing that is restraining
the anti-christ from coming to power(2 Thessalonians 2:6-7). Remeber one believer in Christ has more power than Satan
and every demon in hell.
In 1 Thessalonians 4:17, the English phrase "caught up" is translated from the Greek word harpazo, which means "to
seize upon with force" or "to snatch up." The Latin translators of the Bible used the word "rapturo," the root of the English
term "Rapture." At the Rapture, living believers will be "caught up" in the air, translated into the clouds, in a moment in
time to join the Lord in the air. For we know now, if anyone dies their body stays here but there spirit and soul is with
the Lord in heaven(2 Corinthians 5:8). So if we were to die right now and have Jesus as Lord and Saviour, we shall remain
in Heaven with Him. However, if we do not have Him as Lord then we will spend an eternity without Him in hell and the
Lake of Fire. The bible speaks more about death in 2 Corinthians 5:6-8, for to be absent from the body is to be present with
the Lord. We also know the body is dead without the spirit(James 2:26). Once again, the Rapture is about those who have
died in the past who are believers in Christ and those who are alive at His coming who are believers in Christ receiving
their immortal bodies.
We must now see the distinction of the Rapture from the second coming of Christ. This is where there has been much confusion
of teachings. The bible says that God is not the author of confusion(1 Corinthians 14:33). So the bible will clear this
up for us. When the Rapture takes place it is to remove the Church - The Bride of Christ from the earth. Jesus
is coming once in the air for His church(all believers in Christ) ,and He comes to the earth again
at the end of the great tribulation bringing His saints with Him during the battle of Armageddon to set up His Millenial Kingdom.
We will know look at and compare the two comings. First we read throughout the New Testament be ready at any time that
we do not know when He is coming. This is known as the Doctrine of Imminence and is talking about the Rapture. Mark
13:32-37 tells us to watch! He could come at anytime. Also that Christ is coming with His saints at the second coming
(1 Thessalonians 3:13 & Jude 1:14-15). So how can He come with His saints and for His saints? You will read
many scriptures like these two and they do not contradict. What they do is guide us to the truth of the interpretation
of the scriptures. The only way these scriptures and many more make sense is if He comes for His Saints at the
Rapture, then seven years of tribulation occur, and then we come back with Him. So we see the two comings are once
in the air for His saints and then again once to the earth with His saints. I challenge you
as you read the bible to keep this in mind, and what you will see is that if you do not take this view you must deny and ignore
scripture as well as this is the only way numerous scriptures fit together perfectly! We must let the bible interpret
the bible. Why would we have to watch if we know according to Daniel and other books of the bible that we have seven
years of tribulation before His return? The second coming of Christ is predicted and we are told when it will occur
perfectly by the book of Revelation and other scriptures. The Rapture will happen, then a seven year tribulation followed
by the second coming of Christ. However, there are no signs giving the exact time of the rapture. It could even
occur as your reading this. If you are not ready for the Rapture and are not sure if you would go with Christ, and don't want to be left behind click
Remember to keep looking for our blessed hope (Titus2:13) when our Lord comes with the cry of an archangel and the sound
a trumpet when the dead in Christ will rise first followed by us who are alive and remain and we will be caught up in the
clouds to live and be with the Lord forever more.
This teaching is on the importance of knowing that all of God's word was divinely put in the Bible for a reason.
Many Christians and most of society don't believe that every word of God's word is true. They are sadly mistaken, and
the reason they believe this is because they have never really read much of the Bible, not to mention the entire book. This
is because once read a person now has a responsibilty to follow God and can't say they didn't know. If anyone would undertake
a serious study of God's word they would see that every letter and placement of words to the smallest detail was put there
by God. In Job 37:7 it says, "He seals the hand of every man that all men may know His work." So if someone really wants to
know God and especially to understand and see the Bible was written by Him, they must simply believe and then seek Him(Jeremiah
29:13 & 33:3). Then they will find the truth about the Bible's origin and Him. Turn to Genesis 5. You will see what most
would call another who begot who in this chapter of the bible. When reading Genesis most will skip or quickly read over this
chapter. However, they have missed something powerful. To demonstrate the power of God's word and to show you it's devine
origin I would like you to do a simple exercise with this genelogy in the Bible. First copy all names down in their correct
order from Adam to Noah - 10 names total. 1. Adam - man (is) 2. Seth - appointed etc. Now I would like you to
take the definition of these names and write it beside the name. I have the definitions across from the name for you, of course
out of order for a challenge. Here they are
What it will spell out will shock you!!
No one will ever convince me that a Jewish Rabbi would make a genolgy that testifies of what God did through Jesus.
The Bible was not written by man but God Himself. Remember at the time the Bible was given to man there were no
Laser printers. For example, if you were to type up a paper and printed it. You created it, but the printer was used to relay
you words for others to read. God used man as you used the printer. Remember the words of Job 24:1, " Since times are not
hidden from the Almighty, why do those who know Him see not His days?"
Click on bible below for an excellent concordance, greek, hebrew, commentary & more!
This teaching is on the Trinity and Christ's existence before the earth
Christians are so accustomed to thinking of Jesus in His human manifestation that they tend to overlook the fact that
He also existed prior to the creation of the world. We can never fully understand, at least not in this life, the doctrines
of the Trinity and the Incarnation, but we can believe them.
Before His incarnation in human flesh, Christ was one
with the eternal Father as God the eternal Son, and also one with the eternal Holy Spirit one God, in three persons, the Holy
Trinity (DUET 6:4, 1 JOHN 5:7). In JOHN 17:5 & 24 we read that Christ Himself states that He was loved by God His Father
and had glory with Him before the world was even created! Not to mention, did you know that Christ was the one who created
all things? We read this in the book of HEBREWS 1:1-2, COLOSSIANS 1:15-16 and EPHESIANS 3:8-9. At His incarnation(JOHN 1:1-18),
He became the Son of Man, evermore thereafter to be in human flesh(JOHN 1:14), while still retaining His deity and eternal
status as Son of God. In 2 COR 5:18-19 and 1 TIMOTHY 3:16 we read that God was in Christ. That's right God from the heavenlies
came down to this earth in human flesh and walked among us! Not only can Christ be seen in the new testament but in the old
testament as well. However, only when we see Christ and accept Him in the new testament can we then see Him revealed in the
old testament(2 CORINTHIANS 3:14-18). One scripture is EXODUS 3:13-14. This is where God(Jesus) appeared as a burning
bush and spoke to Moses. You might think it is God the Father until you read JOHN 8:52-58. Here Jesus Himself declares that
he is I AM! A few of many places where we can see the trinity(Three yet one) is in Gen 1:26, 3:22, 11:7 & ISAIAH 6:8.
Though we cannot fully understand these mysteries, we can at least feel them, and know them by faith as true when
we read the Scriptures and experience the presence of the Lord Jesus in our lives, through His Holy Spirit. And in our study
of Christ, we do well to remember that all three persons of the godhead participated in the work of creation (COL 1 &
JOHN 1-Son, GEN 1-Father & JOB 26-Holy Spirit) and now participate in the work of conserving, or saving, their creation.